Saturday, June 17, 2006

One Month Old

It's hard to believe that it was a month ago that Sophie made her appearance in the world. In some ways it seems like just yesterday, and in other ways I feel like I've known her forever. It's also amazing to see how much she has changed in the past month. One of the biggest changes is how alert she is and how much more she is able to interact. Her big smiles are more common now and totally unrelated to gas! Today on her activity mat, while lying on her tummy, she kicked her leg back in an attempt to turn over, and she's getting better at lifting her head and holding it steady. But the biggest change of all has been the amazing effect she has had on our family. Never have I fallen in love so quickly, and I have never felt more complete than I do while lying in bed, next to my husband, with our daughter between us staring up into our eyes. We are truly blessed:)


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