6 Months Old

Can you believe that Sophie is 6 months old already? She seems to be changing a lot lately, too. Not only is she finally filling out, she has mastered some new tricks. She still loves to blow raspberries, but she has also gotten good at giving real kisses. And as you can see in the picture, she is finally sitting up by herself. Mommy was concerned that she wouldn't be doing this by the 6 month mark, but just like everything else, one day she couldn't and the next day she could. Just like that! She doesn't seem to be interested in crawling. She would much rather walk, and she can if you just hold her hands. It's pretty cute! We go to the doctor on Monday for her official 6 month height and weight, plus a handful of shots - yuck:( Next Friday it's road trip to Indiana for the Marsh family Thanksgiving/Christmas!
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