Visitors from Florida

We all enjoyed a wonderful visit with Grandma Ann and Grandpa Clark. When they arrived, all of the Tucson Giesekes were sick. When they left, they were both sick! In between, a lot of fun was had by all. We got to see an Arizona Diamondbacks Spring Training game. At the same time as the game, the Pima Air Show was happening, so we all had great views of the Blue Angels performing some of their tricks. Later in the week we went to one of Sophie's favorite places: the zoo! A baby zebra had just been born - weighing in at 125 pounds! Sophie really liked the elephants, so we snapped her picture sitting on a statue with Grandma Ann making sure she didn't fall off. On another afternoon, Sophie, Grandma and I walked to the park to meet Grandma Laura for a picnic. Sophie tried out the swing, but she preferred playing in the sand. Grandpa Clark had to come rescue us because it started to rain while we were there! We also spent a lot of time at home since everyone was still recovering. Sophie and Grandma had fun examining rocks together and dumping them in and out of Sophie's truck. Grandma also gave Sophie baths, read lots of books, and got to relive the experience of diapering a squirming 10 month old! Grandpa helped out with lots of projects around the house, including lowering Sophie's crib mattress and installing her new big girl convertible carseat. Everyone was sad to see Grandma and Grandpa go, but they had to get back to Florida to prepare for the arrival of their next granddaughter - due in one month! Then they'll be back in June for granddaughter number three. We can't wait!!
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