Me too! Me too!

Whatever Zoe does, Sophie wants to do it too. Today I put out the activity mat so Zoe could have some tummy time, and immediately Sophie got down on the floor to play with her sister. Later, after checking up on Lauren's blog, I got out our baby bumbo seat to see if Zoe could sit in it (she can). As soon as I took her out, Sophie took her place. The only problem is that the seat is really designed for infants and Sophie got stuck in it. This did not stop her from sitting in it over and over again, and then yelling "help" to get out of it. Eventually Sophie went down for her nap and Zoe got some much needed one on one time with her mommy. She played on a blanket on the floor while I jingled toys and made silly faces and talked like I had sucked on a helium balloon. You know - those crazy things babies make you do! Oh - if you want to see Lauren in her bumbo seat, go to
Wow - Zoe is quite a smiler! She looks like such a happy baby. Hope you are all doing well.
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