Update on Zoe

Today Zoe went for her 9 month check up. It was a couple weeks past due, but since she didn't need any shots it didn't really matter. Her official weight is 19 lbs 12 oz, and her height is 28 inches. Both measurements are just above the 50th percentile, which actually surprised me. Zoe has changed a lot in just the last week or so. Her personality has gotten very strong, and she has begun to express her opinions about things as well as hold her own against Sophie. She also has finally started eating solid foods. Her favorites are yogurt, potatoes and strawberries. These also happen to be some of Sophie's favorites too. If she had more teeth, I think Zoe would eat a turkey sandwich too! She truly hates baby food so I haven't even offered it to her for the past couple of months. This saves us a lot of money, so I'm happy to just give her table food. The doctor said that Zoe is doing great and that she would see us when she turns 1. That was shocking for me to hear because I feel like it was just yesterday that we were racing home from vacation to have her!
Congrats Zoe, you look like you've developed a more feisty personality... at least you have a more feisty grin!! See you soon!
Hey there, little cutie! It sounds like you're really growing up. Can't wait for the next time you get to spend with cousin Lauren. I bet you two are going to keep us all very busy!
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