12 Months Old

Our baby is a whole year old! On the day of her actual birthday we had our playgroup over to celebrate all of the May birthdays. Since we accounted for half of those birthdays, we thought we should host. The girls had a lot of fun having all of their friends here. The next day they both went to the doctor for their check ups. We saw a new pediatrician, and I think both girls liked him a lot. He said the girls are doing great, and that mom is doing a really great job too! The official numbers for both girls are: Sophie is 31 1/2 lbs (90%) and 35 1/2 in. (50%). Zoe is 22 1/2 lbs (50%) and 30 in. (75%). I was a little worried that Sophie was heavy for her age, but the doctor said that was normal and that her growth will slow now and she'll become more slim. At 2 years they also recommend switching to skim milk, and of course Zoe has been on whole milk for a few weeks now. That's 6 gallons of milk per week we'll be buying (thanks to Andy's love of milk too!) Developmentally, Zoe is really blossoming. She babbles constantly and has begun a lot of pretend play. It's especially cute to watch her rock her baby dolls. Her receptive language has grown a lot too and she can now follow a set of directions such as pick up the marker and put it on the table. She isn't walking independently yet, but she loves to use her push/pull toys to get around the house. She won't have another Pooh Bear picture until she's 15 months, so take a good look at this one!!
Congrats on reaching such a big milestone Zoe. We were happy to get to celebrate with you earlier in the month. You are officially bigger than Lauren (by a few ounces)! Our doctors must use different growth charts because Lauren's weight was 75%. Happy birthday!
Andy - Long time no see. Family looks great, and it looks like you're doing well!
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