Sweet Rewards

Sophie has been doing such a great job using the potty. We started by rewarding her with a few M&Ms each time she went successfully. After about a week she was 100% successful at home during her awake hours so we switched to a sticker chart. I promised her that she could go out for ice cream when she got 20 stickers, and last night was the night. She ordered blue ice cream with M&Ms and ate the entire thing herself. She did try to share with her sister, but Zoe continues to dislike most sweets. Now we are working on using the potty in places other than our home. The other day we went to the library without a diaper and Sophie used the big potty twice. That was a really big deal and earned her a "cookie" immediately. This is probably the first major lesson that I feel like I really have a part in. I didn't teach her to sit up, crawl, walk or any of the other amazing developmental milestones she has met. It's been fun to be her partner and cheerleader in accomplishing such a major milestone in her life.
Way to go Sophie!
Grandma Ann and PaPa are very proud!!
Well done Sophie, you'll have to explain how it works to Lauren the next time we see you!
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