Haircuts and a Rescue Truck

After weeks of restraint, I finally broke down today and took Zoe for her first haircut. Sophie's hair was in need of a trim, so I figured it would be okay for Zoe to get the back of hers trimmed a little too. I did restrain myself from cutting her bangs (I want to grow hers out), but I remembered how Sophie's hair changed once I started cutting it, and now she has gorgeous, thick blonde hair. You really can't even tell that Zoe got a trim, but I have a few locks of hair in an envelope to prove it!
After the haircuts we went next door to do a little grocery shopping. There were lots of firemen in the store purchasing large quantities of Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew. As we headed to the car with our full cart, we noticed that their big rescue truck was parked in the fire lane (obviously they weren't concerned about getting a ticket). We stopped to say "hi" and admire the truck, and they offered the girls a chance to take a look around. Sophie was brave enough to sit on the truck for her picture (since I happened to have my camera with me for the haircuts), but Zoe was a little frightened by the loud engine. Even after the firemen turned it off for her, she still refused to part from mommy for a picture. Of course, the entire way home she said "truck" and "reach" and "truck bye-bye" (translation: I want the truck now, but I can't reach it so the truck must have gone bye-bye). Hopefully the girls won't expect every trip to the Safeway plaza to be so exciting!
*Please note my lack of photography skills. I'm sure my father and Jace and are cringing, and my grandpa Morris is probably rolling around in his drawer!
Oh that first haircut, we have yet to go there.
Oh, childhood haircuts...what memories. My family went to a barber who only knew two styles -- too long, and too short -- and decided long ago that he was going to specialize in the "too short" variety!
It's fun to hear about the girl's adventures. It sounds like Zoe is becoming quite the talker. Don't you just love it when the kids get to the point where they can express what they want in ways other than screaming? :)
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