2 1/2 Years Old

Today Sophie is officially another half-year older. She loves to hold up two fingers and tell people that she is two, but I'm not quite sure she understands when I tell her that she is two-and-a-half now. So you might be wondering what new things our big girl is doing. There's so much that I could say, but I'll keep it brief and just cover the highlights. Some new skills include using scissors, identifying many letters and saying words that start with those letters, one-to-one correspondence up to seven and sometimes higher, identifying opposites, spelling her name, identifying a handful of words, undressing herself and dressing her bottom half by herself. Some favorites are singing, asking lots of questions about what people like or don't like, painting and other arts & crafts, bossing her sister around, and playing with friends. She is currently in a non-eating but lots of sleeping phase, and she has recently developed a lot of fears including the fear of dogs, going down big hills or slides, and the dark. Sophie has a great imagination and remembers everything that people say. It's fun to watch her carry on entire scenarios with her dolls and with Zoe, which are mostly just reenactments of her own day. She is still very loving, and lately has been interested in pretending to be a baby. She wants to be wrapped in a blanket, held, and pretend fed a bottle. However, she is quick to remind everyone that she is not really a baby, she is a big big toddler now, and when she is four and a big big girl, then she will get to chew gum. Now that is what's important to a 2-year-old!
So cute!
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