Fun at Reid Park

In the middle of Tucson is a park full of fun. Reid park houses the zoo, the ball park for Spring training, multiple playgrounds, lakes, a golf course and more. Today the girls and I ventured out to enjoy the gorgeous weather, and later to meet up with some friends of mine. The highlights of our day were: playing on the biggest of the playgrounds (until mommy got too nervous trying to keep an eye on both girls - everyone was out enjoying the weather), feeding the ducks, climbing up the big hills and walking all the way around the lake, riding on the little train, and getting to stay up until 2:30!! The girls were awesome - not one whine or cry the entire time, and usually they are in bed by 1:00 for naps. Zoe was asleep in the car before we even got to the first traffic light, but Sophie held out like a true rock star. I suggested she lie down and rest a little when we got home (at 3:30), and that began a series of mini meltdowns. Oh well...they didn't last too long, and both girls were asleep well before their 8pm bedtimes.
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