Happy Passover!

On Friday our travels took us to New Jersey to visit the Gilligan clan and break up our long drive to Maryland. We spent Friday afternoon and night at my Aunt Charna's, where I got some babysitting help from my cousin Cassie and her friends in the neighborhood. We spent the night there (playing musical beds) and the next day the rest of the family arrived for the Passover seder. Sophie had a lot of fun playing with her cousins, but Zoe was very overwhelmed by all of the new people (besides being in a strange place and out of her usually very well structured routine) so she mostly just cried and wanted to be by mommy. The girls took a bath with their cousins, got jammies on and slept in the car back to my mom's house. Needless to say, they slept late Sunday morning and were ready for another adventurous day.
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