Zoe's Update

The results are in, and as expected...Zoe is big! This is no surprise to those who have seen her next to the 3-year-olds at playgroup - she's the same size as them. She weighs 31 lbs. and is 36 inches tall, which is the 90% - 95%. She is perfectly healthy and right on track developmentally. Above all else, Zoe is a mommy's girl. Somehow the cord never got cut! She is also a very girly girl. She loves to get her hair done, her nails polished, dress up in tutus and high heels...she is almost always singing - while she plays, while riding in the car, at the dinner table, and always as she falls asleep. We recently discovered that she must be able to hear Andy singing to Sophie at night, because Zoe knows songs that we've only ever sung for her big sister! Another thing to know about Zoe is that she is a neat freak! I've never seen a child that was so organized. She is constantly putting things away, closing drawers that are left open, getting out rags and wetting them to clean the tables, the toys, the walls - seriously. She truly loves to clean, and she truly hates to be dirty.
Zoe has a great imagination. She loves to take care of her baby dolls by pretending to change their diapers, feed them, drive them to school etc. She loves to read (Dr. Seuss's ABC book is a favorite) and knows all her letters. She loves to sing her ABCs as fast as she can! I mentioned above that she loves to sing, but the number of songs that she knows is amazing, and it only takes her a couple of times hearing a song before she knows it too. She doesn't like TV very much, and the only show she will actually sit for is Super Why. I should be glad that she's not a TV junkie, but sometimes I would like it if she would sit for a minute so I can cook or do some laundry. Zoe likes to do arts and crafts and has just started to hold her pencil correctly. She's interested in using scissors, but she hasn't quite figured out how.
Zoe is a great eater. She tries new foods, but her favorites are still cheese, yogurt, eggs, and all fruits. She prefers her veggies cooked and will eat most of them, and recently she has been liking all kinds of meats - I discoverd that using my chopper to mince the meat helps a lot. She likes to help in the kitchen, especially the part when she gets to lick the spoon!
The last thing I'll say about Zoe is that she is a true charmer. She can light up an entire room with her smile, and she makes the funniest faces! She loves boys, and they love her. She loves to pretend to be shy, but when she's around people for awhile she turns into a total chatterbox. She loves her big sister and it's extremely cute to listen to their conversations. Zoe is growing into a beautiful little girl, and we look forward to sharing more about her this coming year!
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