Day at Home

It's still hot and I'm still sick (how many weeks has it been now??) so yesterday the girls and I spent the day at home. We had our first try at making homemade play-doh, and it came out pretty good! This was the first time I let the girls help make something on the stove. It was a very low flame, but I still had to remind them to use the handle on the pot to keep it steady while they stirred since their inclination was to just put their hands on the base of the pot! Once it was cooled, they played with it for about an hour. That's one of the things I love about this age - increased attention spans! Sophie also has a new love for jig-saw puzzles. She can do a 25-piece puzzle all by herself. She will frequently spend an hour or more doing one puzzle after another, then taking them apart and doing them again. It's so fun to watch her develop these new skills!
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