One Month Old

Chloe was a great model for her first Pooh Bear picture session. She had her eyes wide open, which is becoming more common these days. We still haven't gotten on a set schedule, but her awake and sleep periods are becoming more predictable so hopefully we'll get a planned nap schedule going soon. Chloe is a very easy baby, or maybe it's just easier the third time around! We're already starting to see glimpses of her personality. She's very curious and alert, and she's already smiling - and not just in her sleep or when passing gas! She's super strong and can hold her head up very well now. She enjoys her activity mat, but her favorite entertainment is her big sisters! Check back in a few days for her official length and weight stats - we see the midwife for her 1 month appt. on Wednesday.
Just for fun, here are Sophie's ( and Zoe's ( one month Pooh Bear pictures. See any resemblances??
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