7 Months Old

Meet Chloe, the eating and sleeping machine. It seems like that's all she does these days! In fact, her eating has thrown me for such a loop that I called the doctor about it (a big no-no for a third time mom!). Turns out she's just fine. I was concerned that she was weaning herself off her bottle since she's only been taking 12 oz of formula a day (the recommended amount is 24 - 32 ounces a day) and eating 8 ounces of solids three times a day. She's just ahead of the curve in the food department I guess. She's just started to get the hang of her sippy cup and can do it herself some of the time, so I've been giving her formula that way too now. Her latest foods that she's tried are kiwis and cauliflower - she loved both. She's taking 2 naps a day now, one from 9-11 and an afternoon nap from 1-4. She sleeps from 7:30 pm - about 7am. She definitely likes her sleep!
Some other things to note: she knows her name, she can't crawl yet but she can go round and round in circles on her belly, she loves to walk while holding hands, but she walks sideways (I have a vivid memory of Lauren doing this!), her favorite things in the world are her pacifier, the cats, and her big sisters. She also really enjoys stroller rides, has a great smile and laugh, and is the easiest and happiest baby I've ever known. I guess I paid my dues with Sophie and Zoe so the man upstairs gave me a break!
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