5 Years Old

Happy Birthday to our oldest child! The years seem to be going faster and faster! And this little girl is changing before our eyes. She is growing out of those toddler years and into such a big girl.
Sophie is a joy to watch grow up. She is a very talented young lady. She continues to take piano lessons and attend ballet class. She has been reading for about 9 months now, and has moved from the beginning phonics books to more in depth readers. She loves to draw and make up stories and songs. Her favorite activities at home are coloring, reading and playing dress up and pretend. She mostly loves to pretend My Little Pony. Outside Sophie loves to ride her bike, and in the summer she turns into a fish that you can't get out of the water. She is a great swimmer, mostly swimming under water and just now learning some different strokes in her swim class. In school this past year, Sophie completed about 2/3 of the kindergarten curriculum, which we will continue to work on throughout the summer. During school time, she prefers hands-on activities and art projects. She writes well for her age and is doing well with her math (addition, fractions, counting by 5's, calendar etc.) but they're not her favorites. She loves to make up stories, but she prefers to dictate the story and have me write it down for her, and then she'll illustrate it. And she is quite the artist for just 5 years old! Her drawings have become more complex and detailed, and there have been a few times that I accused her of claiming a piece of art as her own that I had assumed the babysitter or someone else drew! Even mommy has to say sorry sometimes:)
Sophie is very social and makes new friends easily. This past year we continued to go to our play group, and Sophie made new friends at Sunday School and ballet. As much as she loves to spend time with her friends, her favorite people to play with are her sisters. And Sophie is a very helpful big sister. She is quick to entertain Chloe with a book or do a puzzle with Zoe so that I can fix supper or make a phone call.
Sophie's official stats are: 45 inches tall (90%) and 49 1/2 lbs (90%)
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