"Tails" from Tucson

Mommy and Sophie have been sick with colds, so we have both been taking some extra naps during the day. Takoda thought he would lend a hand, er, paw:) I guess he knows that the best medicine is love. Aunt Michelle also thought she would help mommy by sending Sophie a fun bouncy chair. This chair is the greatest invention ever. It sings and lights up and the seat vibrates! The best part is that mommy is guaranteed at least a 10 minute shower when Sophie is in it. That Aunt Michelle is so smart. Speaking of Aunt Michelle, she'll be having baby Tanner any day now, and Sophie will no longer be the baby of the family. At least on the Friedman side. She'll just have to settle for being baby of the Giesekes. Unless Aunt Liz and Uncle Jace want to compete??
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