11 months old

We've almost finished our first year of Pooh Bear pictures. It's been getting harder the past couple of months to get Sophie to sit still long enough to capture a good picture! Today she wanted to stand next to Pooh while on the rocking chair, but I managed to capture this one first. So what is Sophie up to these days? She loves to fake sneeze. She throws her head forward and blows a raspberry at the same time. Then she looks up to see the reaction, which of course encourages her to do it again. She's not walking on her own yet, but she is talking a lot more. She says duck, dog, ball, hot, "nunnin" (Pumpkin), and of course mama and dada. She also snaps her fingers, but she can't make the sound yet. It's been fun watching her snap her fingers at the cats when she knows they're being naughty, which happens a lot more now that they are both indoors all the time. As much as Sophie has been growing and changing, we're very happy that her affectionate nature has remained. She continues to shower us with hugs and kisses, and she's learning baby sign language and quickly picked up the sign for love!
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