Zoe Danielle

Zoe decided to grace us with her presence a little earlier than expected! She wasn't due until June 22, but we welcomed her on May 29th at 12:49 am. She weighs 6 pounds 12 ounces and is 18 1/2 inches long. She is healthy and strong for being as early as she was. She has been eating, sleeping and pooping well, and she has settled right into Sophie's favorite spot on her daddy's chest. Sophie got to meet her little sister this morning. She wanted to pick her up and give her kisses, but we had to keep her at a distance because she has a cold. Soon enough, Zoe will get her fair share of torture by the big sister! We also noticed that Zoe has inherited the "Pollack toe." That gene skipped Sophie, but Zoe seems to have a mild version of it. The family is doing well here, although we are a bit unprepared as we thought we still had a month to get ready for our new addition! Fortunately we have lots of friends and family alreaddy helping or offering their help as we adjust to our new little bundle of joy.
Her great-grandfather is smiling about the Pollack toe!
Zoe, we're so glad you are here and healthy. You are a clever girl to come out in May so you share a birthday in the same month as Grandpa Clark, Sophie and your cousin Lauren. We can't wait to meet you. Congrats to your mommy, daddy and big sister.
Zoe is already a rock and roll rebel coming out so early. Cousin Shauta needs to find somewhere that sells leather pants for babies.
Shauta...if anywhere has baby leather pants...it might be Psycho Baby. http://www.psychobabyonline.com/
They have a store in our neighborhood. Ridiculously expensive, but I've bought gifts there a few times.
Congrats mara!!!
Mara she's just PRECIOUS!!!!! You're so blessed!
Yeah Zoe! Can't wait to see more pictures!
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