15 Months Old

Sophie is 15 months old today! You may have noticed that we don't do her Pooh Bear picture every month now. We thought that every 3 months would be enough to see some significant change. This picture was challenging because Sophie kept climbing down off the chair faster than I could take the picture. I also wanted her to wear this cute barrette that matches her outfit, but she kept taking that out before I could snap the photo. That pretty much describes life with a 15 month old. Always on the go...busy busy busy! This age is a lot of fun though. Sophie is running around and chattering constantly. The only time she's not moving is when she is asleep, and even then she can be pretty squirmy!
Hi pretty Sophie! I bet your hair looks nice with a barrette. I can't wait for Lauren's hair to grow so she can wear things in it (and so she can try out a mohawk)! So who does Sophie look more like these days, her mommy or her daddy? I can definitely see some of Andy in her features.
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