A Fun Week

This has been a fun and busy week for the Gieseke girls. At the beginning of the week we said goodbye to Grandpa Dan. He visited for a few days and helped us with some projects around the house. Yesterday we celebrated Rosh Hashana. The girls got dressed in matching outfits, and we headed over to the tot service at Grandma Laura's congregation. Both girls were very well behaved during the service. After her nap, Sophie spent some time playing with her blocks. She was able to stack a tower of three! That was the first time she did it. Stacking blocks is a developmental milestone. I'm not really sure why, but it's nice to have her achieve a new milestone since the big ones at her age are walking (and running and jumping) and talking. We ended our week by going to the zoo with my friend Kelley and her son Eric. Sophie walked most of the time. This was Zoe's second trip to the zoo. I think she mostly just enjoyed being outdoors. Sophie's favorite animals this time were the sea otters and the polar bear. I think she just wanted to join them in the water! So it's been a fun week, but the weekend will be even better because Andy and I get to go on a date tomorrow night, and Sophie is spending the night at Grandma Laura's house!
Love Spohie's "tushie" and Zoe, wide awake while it looks like Grandpa Dan is sound asleep.
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