Ouch X 5

Today we took Zoe for her 4 month check up, which included 4 shots plus an oral vaccine. Sophie thought she was going for moral support, but we decided at the last minute to have her get her flu shot while we were there. We asked her if she wanted to get the shot and she said yes. She was very interested in the needle and kept shaking her head yes to tell us how excited she was about the shot. We watched with anticipation as the nurse administered the vaccine. Sophie's face quickly turned to horror and she began shaking her head no and making the sign "all done." Next it was Zoe's turn and before long that small room was filled with lots of crying. By the time we got home they were all better, and each took turns sitting in the bumbo. Zoe has her own lovey now, and I hope she becomes attached to it the way Sophie is to her loveys. In Sophie's picture she is looking up because she was practicing her Heffalump call. If you don't know what that is, then you need to get the Pooh Bear Heffalump movie. Oh- Zoe's official four month stats are: 25 1/8 inches tall (75th - 90th percentile) and 13 lbs 5 oz (50th percentile). Her head is 40 cm (25th percentile). She's really getting big!
Way to grow Zoe. Keep it up. We can't wait to see you all!!
Dear Sophie,
I saw your picture on the fridge at the Indiana house last weekend. It made me smile and laugh. I can't wait to see you in person!
- Cousin Lauren
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