18 months old

Yesterday Sophie turned 18 months old. It was a busy day so we didn't get to take her picture until today. I promise that she didn't change too much in those 24 hours. Lately though it does seem like 24 hours is all it takes for huge changes! Some days Sophie wakes up doing brand new things and saying new words. Her brain must be working hard at night, which may account for her sleeping 12 hours at a time. Sophie's favorites at 18 months include: going to the park - especially the slides and the swings; putting the cats and Zoe "to bed", which means covering them with a blanket and a lovey and saying "milk"; trying to do snaps and buttons on her clothes and trying to get dressed by herself; drawing pictures; rough housing with daddy; looking at pictures of family and watching home movies, especially of herself! She still loves books, and now she even points to the words when we read. Sophie also has a small obsession with anything related to Winnie the Pooh. I could think of worse things to be obsessed with, so I don't complain about it. In all honesty, I find the Pooh Bear movies quite darling! We don't have official stats on Sophie's height and weight, but last time she went to the doctor she weighed about 26 pounds. She is still tall for her age, but we all expected that!
What a pretty young lady! Congrats Sophie! We can't wait to see you at Christmas.
-Jace, Liz, and Lauren.
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