
Both girls received great presents for Hanukkah. In the first picture, Sophie is wearing a dress up outfit and using a Cinderella cell phone, both of which she got from her Aunt Michelle. Zoe mostly enjoyed playing with the wrapping paper! In the second picture Sophie is making a tea party for her toys. The tea set was a gift from Grammy Harriet. Sophie loves to bring Daddy a cup of tea in the evenings! It's a good thing we moved before the holidays because Sophie got lots of new toys, including a baby doll stroller and a Little People barn set, as well as many new outfits, shoes, dolls and books. Fortunately we have plenty of space for everything!
The top picture is cracking me up...especially Zoe under the wrapping paper with just her eyes peeking out to keep an eye on what her big sis is doing.
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