8 Months Old

It's funny to me that when Sophie turned 8 months old I thought of her as being such a big girl. Now Zoe is 8 months, but to me she's still just a little baby! Well, maybe not so little. I think she's passed the 18 pound mark! Her most recent accomplishment is being able to clap her hands. She even does it on command, which is pretty exciting because that means she's beginning to understand what we're saying to her. Before long, Andy and I will be spelling instead of talking! Zoe still does not care much for food (other than her formula), so I have to go through a whole routine just to get her to try different foods. She will tolerate pears, sweet potatoes and yogurt, but other foods actually make her cry. And for those of you who have seen her cry, you know that it is a very sad scene, complete with huge tears and loud sobs. We have also been introducing the sippy cup, and surprisingly she will drink both water and formula out of it. We're hoping to ban all bottles from the house this summer. Zoe is still not mobile, but that is just fine with me! Sophie loves to try to teach her to crawl, and Zoe is very close and can actually move a little. I think she may be an army crawler since she doesn't try to get up on all fours. At any rate, I'm content to know that when I put her down on the blanket and walk away for a moment, she will still be there when I get back. For this busy mom, chasing one child around the house is enough for now!
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