Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Today was our Tucson Moms annual Easter egg hunt. This morning while I was cooking breakfast I got a little preview of our day: a double yolk in our eggs! This was actually a good thing because egg yolk is one of Zoe's favorite things to eat. After our morning walk through the neighborhood, the girls and I headed over to our favorite park to meet up with our playgroup for the big hunt. It was very interesting and amusing watching all these 2-year-olds find the eggs. Mostly they just wanted to open the eggs and immediately eat or play with the treat. Sophie's first egg contained a miniature container of playdoh, and she instantly sat on the ground and began saying, "open, open, more, open!" It took awhile for all the eggs to be found, and then finally the kids got to sit down and thoroughly inspect their loot. Zoe was disappointed that she didn't get to hunt for eggs, but Sophie was a very good big sister and let Zoe play with and help open the ones she found. Zoe especially liked the eggs filled with jelly beans because they made great rattles. Needless to say, after all the excitement and running around in the 80 degree heat, both girls took very long naps today and were eager to go to bed right at bed time! I'm thinking we might hit up some other egg hunts going on around town between now and Sunday:)
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