First Day of School

Yesterday was Sophie's first day of "school." She will be attending the Parents Day Out program at a local church. The program is designed for the "busy stay at home parent" and is more structured than day care and less intense than preschool. She goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am -2pm. She loved her first day, although getting her to tell me about it was mostly unsuccessful. The teacher did tell me that Sophie was a little chatty during nap time and that they will not be putting her napper next to "Danner" again. Hmmm.... This month the 2-year-olds are learning the color red and the number 1. Sophie brought home a picture that is all red, and when I first looked at it I just thought it was scribbles. I hung it on the fridge, and after looking at it from a distance I realized that the picture was actually her hand (she must have asked a teacher to trace it for her - something she asks me to do all the time) and then she attempted to draw finger nails and color them red!
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