18 months old

Zoe turned 18 months old while we were on vacation, but we didn't bring Pooh along so she had to wait to get her picture taken. Her check-up is on Thursday, so we don't have any height or weight stats, although I promise you she weighs more and is taller than her last check-up! She has also blossomed a lot in just the last month. Her speech and vocabulary have increased exponentially. Today she counted to seven by herself while counting pennies and putting them in the piggy bank, and I've heard her count up to at least 13 with Sophie. She knows lots of colors (black and pink were the first that she learned a couple of weeks ago, and now she can also identify blue, yellow, brown and sometimes green). Zoe is very strong and can hang on the bars at the playground for a very long time, and she also enjoys climbing and going down the slides by herself. Her favorite things to do at home are read books, throw and catch a ball (she has quite an arm and can actually catch the ball pretty well), play in her kitchen, and play with her dolls (which she likes to put down for a nap). The thing about Zoe that can't be described in a blog post is her expressiveness. I've never seen a child with such a variety of facial expressions and such joy about life. That is something that you have to experience in person!
Zoe, you are oh so cute!
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