Miss Independent

Sophie is becoming a lot more independent and helpful these days. She now enjoys picking out her clothes (to my embarrassment at times) and can get completely undressed now. She used to be able to do everything but her shirt, but she figured that out the other day. She also likes to help Zoe get undressed, by taking off her shoes (as pictured above after a recent rain when I let the girls splash in a puddle), and we've even witnessed her changing Zoe's diaper. I was surprised how well Zoe listened to Sophie when she was told to "lie down, you have pee pees in your diaper", and then how she didn't squirm at all during the diaper change. I guess I should take some pointers from my big girl! Of course, we still end up with shoes on the wrong feet, and she can't quite get her shirt on by herself, but it does give me hope that someday my children will not need me for every basic survival task. Just as long as they never stop needing me at all:)
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