The Princess Bed

Last weekend the girls and I spent the weekend in Phoenix. The purpose of our trip was threefold: find a big girl bed for Zoe, visit with our friends - the Russos, and have an adventure staying at a hotel! The trip was a success. Zoe wanted a pink princess bed, so we bought a bright yellow four poster bed at Ikea. Yellow? Yes, yellow. We couldn't pass on the super clearance price, and I knew we had leftover pink paint at home from when we painted the flowers in Sophie's room. After purchasing the bed, Andy, the girls and I headed over to the Russos for a BBQ and swimming. We had a really great time visiting with our old New York friends. Sophie spent most of the time in the pool, and Zoe spent a lot of time with Grandma Laura and Papa Chuck, who even let Zoe do his makeup!
It took me all week during nap time to get the bed painted, and last night Andy put it all together. It's a good start for a princess bed. I found adorable princess sheets at Target, and we bought pink netting at Ikea that we'll put up. Zoe stayed in her bed all night (with a few visits from mommy and daddy) and in the morning she asked if she was allowed to get out of bed! I'll be keeping my eye out for some more princess accessories (think fuzzy pink pillows and decals) at places like Ross, and hopefully before long, Zoe will be spending her nights sleeping like a princess...alone.
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