Bye Bye Word Wall...

...Hello art wall! Today we took down our word wall in the playroom and put up a line of string so that we can hang the girls' arts and crafts projects. As most readers know by now, I love to do craft projects with the girls. The featured crafts were done this past week. The pumpkin craft was done by tearing pieces of orange paper and having the girls glue them to a paper plate, then adding a torn piece of green paper for the stem. The apple craft was an improptu idea after we cleaned out the garage and I found some supplies from my classroom. I asked the girls to describe apples using their five senses by prompting them with questions like, "What do apples look like? What do they smell like?" Etc... I wrote the answers on the big apple, then let them paste the apple to the paper. The fun part for them was using the apple stamps to decorate the rest of the page. I promise I won't post pictures of every project we do, but expect to see occasional posts about our new art wall!
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