Potty Power!

As you all know, our family has been facing some tough times, and so our prayers have been focused on meeting our financial needs. God is funny sometimes because he doesn't answer our prayers with the solutions we expect. For example, last week Zoe decided that she was done with her diapers. Not the obvious answer we were looking for, but it certainly does help us out financially. Someday when we tell Zoe about how she was potty trained, we'll get to tell her how she blessed us in more ways than one! On a side note - I can't exactly say that we've potty trained her. She decided to use the potty and that's pretty much been the end of it. She wants no help from us, she goes by herself when she needs to go without any reminding. She even stays dry during her naps. The Lord is good!!!
Very sweet. We're praying for you.
I want
to touch them
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