Thursday, October 28, 2010

8 Months Old

Chloe is a busy little bee these days, and it was hard to get her to stay still for her picture with Pooh Bear. Although she isn't technically crawling (forwards that is), she is getting around in her own way. She goes in circles, crawls backwards and rolls herself to get to things she can't reach. She's also started pulling herself up and cruising some. She mostly prefers to walk while holding my hands.
Some of her latest developments are babbling (she says mama, baba, papa and some other random sounds), clapping hands and eating finger foods. She's getting really good at getting those little Gerber Puffs into her mouth. She also likes cheese, tofu and pasta. She is drinking out of the cup more and can tip it all by herself now.
Chloe still loves to sleep more than any baby I've known. I've decided it's because that's her only escape from the constant noise and activity of her sisters. During Chloe's awake time, she is so busy and the environment is so stimulating that I think she just gets worn out! She loves being with her sisters, and it seems like she just can't wait to get up on her own two feet and play with them. Chloe's other favorite activities are going for walks in her stroller or in the wagon, jumping in her jumperoo, reading books with mommy, and petting Takoda, who is the most tolerant cat ever! He lets Chloe pull on his ears and whiskers, while I try to teach her to be gentle. She just adores the kitties and gets incredibly excited each time they come in the room. Pumpkin doesn't get too close yet, but she can frequently be found in the nursery during Chloe's nap time.

Here's Chloe at the end of her photo shoot. Her nickname, "Monkey Doodles" certainly fits!


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