The Great Outdoors
We made one last visit to the Desert Museum before the hot summer temps set in. We met up with some play group friends, and the girls had a great time.

Sophie and Chloe on the javalina statues out front

The oldest and youngest Gieseke girls being silly

The two big girls exiting the winding path of the cave. They kept going back in again, and again, and again! Chloe was very patient and clapped excitedly each time they reappeared.

Zoe digging for fossils

We watched this bear for a long time. When we arrived at his exhibit, he was lying on his back with all four paws in the air. He stretched lazily and quite dramatically for awhile, then rolled onto his tummy, stood up and stuck his tongue out at the kids. They thought it was hysterical. We continued to watch the silly bear for about 10 min. while the kids ate snack.
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