That's right...Sophie is two months old today! You can tell that she's been growing, too. We haven't been to the doctor in a couple of weeks, but I'd guess that she's crossed the 10 pound mark. So what exactly does a two month old do all day?? Well, let's start with the evening. 8:00 is bath time, then we play until about 9:30. After that is our late night snack, then rocking and singing, and finally at 10:30 it's bedtime. We wake up between 5:00 am and 6:00 am, have breakfast, play and look at books, and then it's down for our morning nap from 7 - 9:30. The rest of the day is a series of feedings, playing, and naps, and sometimes we run errands or have a lunch date! The best lunch dates are when daddy comes home for lunch:) Life for this two month old is pretty grand!
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