Off to a good start

Recently the girls got new toothbrushes. Sophie's has Lumpy (from Winnie the Pooh) on it, and Zoe has Elmo, Grover and Zoe (from Sesame Street) on hers. Sophie has always been great about brushing her teeth, and I think it's because we started as soon as her bottom two teeth were in. Now that Zoe's two teeth are most of the way through, she has been joining Sophie for teeth time. Of course mommy does the first two minutes of brushing for both girls, but after that Sophie has fun getting all of the crazy animals out of her mouth, and Zoe enjoys chewing and sucking on the brush. Someday, many years from now, I hope they will brush their teeth without being told!
Lauren is up to 4 teeth now...I guess I better find her a tooth brush. What kind do Sophie and Zoe recommend?
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