3 1/2 Years Old

I thought I'd let Sophie tell everyone about herself this time, so these are all her words: I can twirl. My favorite color is brown. I like to paint and do puzzles. My friends are Ava, Evelyn, Donovan and Quentin. I can turn the TV off all by myself. I can get dressed all by myself.
Other things to report...Sophie is now 41 inches tall but still 38.5 lbs. You can really see her body changing from toddler to big girl. She has legs that go on forever! Because she is taller than all of the kids in her class, she gets to be Mrs. Kathy's special helper, which means reaching things for the other kids. Sophie loves to help at home too, especially with cooking. She's also helpful to me without realizing it. She can open the car door herself now, climb in and buckle the top part of her carseat harness. She can pick out her clothes and get dressed all by herself, and she is very helpful with her sister. She is very excited about the new baby and loves to kiss mommy's tummy and talk about when the new baby gets here. Sophie has been perfecting the skills that she learned awhile back. For example, she can now write her name with upper and lower case letters, and she can cut out shapes and patterns with her scissors. She is very precise when coloring or painting, and she is very focused while doing her arts and crafts projects. She still loves TV, but teaching her to turn it off with the remote has been key in avoiding the tantrums that always occurred when the show was over! That's all I can think of for now. Next time Sophie takes her picture with Pooh she'll have a new baby brother or sister!!
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