Our angel baby is changing to an almost toddler with an opinion. She has been fussy for over a week now, and we know she's not teething. Up until about a week ago, if Chloe cried for 5 minutes in a day, we would wonder what was wrong with her. Now it seems like a break when she goes more than 5 minutes without crying!

The only thing I can come up with is that she's in between stages, on the verge of a developmental breakthrough. The two things that make her happy right now are eating and standing up. If I don't manage to cram enough food into her, she wakes up early from naps to eat again. And the fact that she can pull up to standing and use her body more seems to wake her up or make her reluctant to go to sleep. Ahhhh....the joys of parenting. The girls have gotten used to it and no longer get mad at me for ignoring the monitor.

So now we're just surviving this momentary setback. We spend hours a day outside, either in the backyard or just walking around the neighborhood. I try to remind myself that this too shall pass, and that I can't complain because I had it way too good for the past 8 months!

Eating is one thing that makes Miss Chloe very happy. Of course, now she prefers to feed herself and is eating less and less pureed food and more finger foods now. She has had pork tenderloin and shrimp, and she liked them both a lot. It's amazing what she can "chew" with no teeth! Her absolute favorite food at the moment is graham crackers, and she also really likes melon and cheese. Hopefully next time I write this fussy phase has passed and our sweet-tempered baby will have returned!
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