10 Months Old

It's definitely been an exciting month, although I'm hoping for a little less excitement for this next month. Besides the stomach flu that started today and the 3-week cold that she had at the beginning of the month, Chloe also got to spend some time at the doctor and hospital for testing. It turns out she has some issues with her kidney and urinary system and will be seeing a specialist next week. Some of the good things that have happened are: her first tooth; her first words: ball, mama, dada, baba - and saying them appropriately, and today she said duck; if you ask her where Sophie or Zoe is, she will look at the correct sister; she can point to the balloon in the book Goodnight Moon, and she loves to point to the real moon in the sky, in fact pointing in general is a favorite of hers. She's great at spotting birds, butterflies and airplanes. She loves dogs and gets ridiculously excited when she sees one.
Chloe loves to join in the fun with her big sisters. Here they are playing "party." This could mean anything from a birthday party to a fancy party at the ball - princess style. I think this time it was a party on The Magic School Bus, a new favorite book series. Chloe usually plays the role of Ralphie, Zoe likes to be Wanda, Sophie plays D.A. and I get to be Miss Frizzle. It's an exciting life here in the Old Pueblo!

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