Swiper No Swiping!!

Chloe has turned into a real swiper these days. She can be found tearing pictures off the walls (the ones the girls draw and hang up with tape), stealing pieces from games like Connect Four, and swiping food off the big girls' snack tray! Here she is stealing an apple slice. We have to be careful because a lot of the girls' snacks have things that Chloe can't have yet, like peanut butter or orange slices. She also loves to get into the cabinets - way more than I ever remember Sophie and Zoe doing. Trash cans have moved up onto the counters in the bathrooms and lots of other things are slowly being moved higher and higher! She's growing up so fast...this morning her first tooth cut through and she's said her first word: "ball" She's pointing to everything and tries to say "moon" and "kitty". My favorite thing that she does though is snuggle. She is the best little snuggler and she's starting to give lots and lots of kisses - they're a little wet but I'll take them!
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