Little Miss Sunshine
Chloe is such a sweet and happy baby. Even through all her illnesses, cutting teeth, hospital and doctor visits, her personality is so loving. She's growing up so fast - I can't believe she turn 1 next month! She's starting to develop her own relationship with each of us too. Any time Andy walks in the room, she blows raspberries at him. It's so funny because she doesn't do that to anyone else! With Sophie she likes to make loud noises and she can always count on Zoe to play kitchen or ponies with her, or just sit and look at books together. It seems like these days she almost too busy to sit and cuddle with mommy, but then every so often she wanders over and reaches up as if to say, "Just checking in mom!" and then she smothers me with kisses. Of course a few seconds of that and she's climbing back down to continue the fun!

Here's our sweetie enjoy story time with daddy.

Here she is after trying blackberries for the first time. She loved them and ate almost the whole container. Of course this was the one time I forgot to put her bib on!
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