Check out our bundle of joy! Chloe's personality is big, big, big (in case you can't tell from the picture)! This little girl is full of energy and is always busy busy. She can usually be found running around the house (usually with a pony or Barbie that she has stolen from her sisters), or asking repeatedly to play "trot trot". She also loves to get into the markers and crayons, and can frequently be found with blue lips or green tongue since she still puts everything in her mouth. Chloe still does not use a lot of words, but she has no trouble getting her point across. She is great with her signs, recently adding "help" to her repertoire, and she is starting to say more words. She tries to Pumpkin (the cat's name) and watermelon, which is one of her favorite foods. She frequently grunts and points and somehow her sisters know exactly what she wants and are happy to get it for her, so really there is no motivation for her to expand her vocabulary! Another of Chloe's favorite things to do is dance. I've never seen a toddler with such a variety of moves, and the instant she hears any music she breaks out into a little dance routine. It is really adorable to watch. People just love Chloe. The most common comments from friends are that she is a riot, that she is so funny and cute, and that she has so much personality. It's true, but what would you expect when she's got two sisters to compete with!
Chloe's official stats for this month are: Height - 32 inches (75%) Weight - 23 1/2 lbs (50%)
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