It's hard to believe that next month we'll be celebrating Chloe's first birthday! She's growing up so fast.

I only got a few pics of her with Pooh Bear because she climbed out of the chair about 5 seconds after I put her there. That's one of her favorite tricks: rolling onto her belly to climb down - off a chair, off the couch, off Sophie's bed. Anyway, each picture was so cute and really showed off her personality, so I decided to include them all.

You can see what a happy baby Chloe is. She really only fusses when hungry, tired, or being tortured by her sisters. She loves to play outside, and she will open the screen door and head right on out by herself. She is completely fearless and adventurous. She loves to be on the trampoline while the girls jump. She still loves stroller rides but also loves to ride in the wagon - standing on the seat up front like the scene from Titanic. She's starting to develop more preferences and favorites now. Her favorite books are Goodnight Moon, The Very Busy Spider, and Pat the Bunny. Her favorite songs are The Wheels on the Bus (she does the hand motions which is adorable) and Open Shut Them. I wouldn't say she has a favorite food because she eats absolutely everything. Sometimes she surprises me by eating a very large quantity of a new food. For example, she tried blueberries recently and ate bowl after bowl of them for about three days. Tonight for dinner she ate about 2 ounces of halibut, rice, beans and diced tomatoes. She is the most amazing eater! I've started teaching her how to use a fork, and so far she seems to prefer her left hand.

One thing about Chloe is that she does not like to sit still. She is always on the go, mostly walking from one piece of furniture to the next, pausing to check out a toy and then moving on. She has several push toys that she can move very quickly across the house. She is also fond of pushing the toy stroller and shopping cart, as well as the kitchen chairs, trash can, and anything else that's not permanently attached to the floor or wall. The other day she pushed one of the kid-sized arm chairs over to the train table. She then climbed onto the chair, then onto the arm of the chair, and then up onto the train table. She really is the boy we're never going to have!
Chloe is a smart girl. She doesn't seem to talk as much as her older sisters did, but who could get a word in with them around anyway? Chloe does respond to my requests though, such as to sit in the tub during bath time (she likes to stand in there too) or to "spit it out", something that I am constantly saying since she still puts everything in her mouth. We also have a routine with her pacifier (she's allowed to have it in the car seat and in her crib). When she wakes up in the morning or from nap, I pick her up (the paci is usually in her mouth) and I tell her to put her paci away. She takes it out of her mouth, tosses it into her crib and waves bye bye to it. It's one of my favorite things that she does. She also blows kisses and gives high fives now.
As far as Chloe's health - she has two teeth that she loves to brush. She weighs over 20 pounds now and has been riding forward facing for a few weeks due to her getting car sick. She saw a urologist a few weeks ago and will be seeing a pediatric urologist on March 1st. We're still hoping to avoid surgery, but we probably won't know if she'll need it or not for awhile. Otherwise Chloe is healthy, happy and just tons of fun!
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