Happy birthday to our middle princess! This year Zoe's birthday was extra special, because her birthday party happened to be the same day. She chose to wear this adorable dress from Grandma Laura for her birthday party, and also for her picture she asked to wear the tiara from my wedding. Isn't she a pretty little lady?

And Zoe is quite the lady these days. She is growing up so fast, trying to keep right up with her big sister. Zoe has the sweetest, most loving and generous heart. She is a happy girl that is usually very easy to please. She loves to color, play dress up, and play pretend with her sisters. She is just starting to read, and loves for anyone to listen to her read her Bob Books. She also is always ready for someone to read to her, especially the Magic School Bus series. Zoe loves science, and she never gets tired of learning about nature, space, weather and anything science related. She did really well keeping up during school this past year. She completed most of the pre-k curriculum and has begun some of the kindergarten curriculum. As expected, she loves any science projects we do, but she also does well with her math, reading and writing. Zoe has expressed some interest in piano lessons, but she hasn't started them yet. This past year she enjoyed taking ballet class, and she will continue them in the fall. When Zoe isn't busy with all of these activities, she can be found in her pink princess room listening to her Barbie CD player. She loves all kinds of music, but her favorite is Taylor Swift. Many times I have walked into her room and found her standing on her bed, with a brush "microphone", singing along to Taylor Swift, Zac Brown Band, as well as classic folk songs. It's a very cute sight to see!

Here is Zoe checking out her new Tinkerbell bike from mommy and daddy. Just like her big sister Sophie, Zoe learned to ride on a balance bike and has gone straight to a two-wheeler. No training wheels for these girls! Zoe's official stats at her check up were: 42 in. tall (90%) and 39 lbs (75%). We think she's beautiful inside and out, and we can't wait to see what this next year brings for her!
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