Grandpa Dan's Visit

Last week Grandpa Dan came all the way from New York to visit Sophie. Everyone had a wonderful time, except Andy who was sick in bed the entire time:( Grandpa Dan and Mara took Sophie to the store on a search for a high chair. They had some exersaucers on display, so we decided to put Sophie in one to see if she liked it. Well, she put on such a performance, squealing and panting in delight, that Grandpa Dan bought it for her. It's quickly becoming her favorite thing to do at home! We also took Sophie on her first trip to the zoo. We thought she would sleep the whole time, like other family members we know, but as soon as she heard the monkeys whooping and hollering, she woke up and stayed awake the rest of the time. She especially liked the giraffes, the lions and the tiger. We plan on getting a zoo membership so we can go all the time (it's just a few blocks from our house!) Grandpa Dan went home, bringing with him a little bit of Andy's sickness, but we're pretty sure he'll come back again! Our next visit with family is in November, when Sophie will get to meet more of the Marshes and Giesekes in Indiana!