Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Chloe!

Happy birthday to my sweet baby girl! What a fun year it's been too. Chloe continues to be the easiest baby ever. I hope she doesn't pay me back when she's 16! This little girl is quite adventurous too. She can often be found climbing onto things that one would think are much too big or tall for her. She's walking all over and occasionally attempts to run to keep up with her sisters. This usually results in falling, followed by speed crawling. She's just starting to figure out how to stand back up without having something to pull up on nearby. Chloe is quick too, and I don't mean speed. She picks up on absolutely everything. We've only put sunscreen on our faces one time (the little stick that you use on your face), but when she came across that stick a few days later, she held it and pretended to rub it all over her face. She loves to pretend telephone, and when she hears a phone ring she immediately slaps her hand on her ear and says, "Dada!!"
She can also be found combing her hair, erasing the chalkboard, putting on "lipstick" and trying to put her shoes on by herself. She can point to some body parts: hair, teeth, nose (and she says nose), tummy, toes. When she hears music she immediately breaks into some nifty dance moves that she must have picked up from me or the girls. She loves to go into Sophie's room and push the buttons on the CD player.
Chloe continues to be an amazing eater and sleeper. She still takes two 2-hour naps a day and sleeps 7 - 7 most nights. Occasionally teething will disrupt her sleep, but only for a day or so. She has 4 teeth: two bottom centers and two top eye teeth. Yes, she's a vampire baby. At least that's how she looks! The doctor said it's normal for the teeth to come in out of order. I've never seen it before, but I'll take his word for it! Chloe still doesn't say a whole lot. She has about 10 words, but she mostly loves to point at things and say "that", which means "tell me what that is." Her favorite thing to point to is any light that she sees, and she says "light" pretty clearly. She also likes to go through the animal sounds, although she says every animal says "woof." Once in awhile she'll say "meow" for cat. Speaking of cats and dogs, Chloe gets beyond excited when she sees animals, especially dogs. She also enjoys watching the bunnies in the yard and the birds in the sky.
Chloe's official stats at the doctor were: 31 1/2 inches (75%) and 21 1/2 pounds (50%)
Here's the cake that the family got to eat during Chloe's birthday dinner celebration.
Here's Chloe enjoying her own personal cake that she did a great job of destroying!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Precious Moments

This is one of those precious moments that I managed to capture before it was over. Listening to Sophie read is one of my favorite things to do these days. Here she is reading a book to daddy before bed.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Grammy!

We got to celebrate Grammy's birthday with her again this year. Last year Grammy was in Tucson helping mommy - who had been on bed rest - and wondering if she might get a new grandchild on her birthday. This year Grammy and Gump were in Arizona getting their new home ready for their big move next month. We all went out to dinner at Sauce and then went next door for gelato at Frost. Yum!
Here's Grammy with her granddaughters
Chloe was tasting everyone's gelato, and then she discovered the source of all things yummy!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

We had a very happy Valentine's day here in Tucson. There was lots of love to be shared and we even got a visit from Grammy!
Zoe eating her Valentine cookie
Our morning began with heart-shaped pancakes
Sophie had special Valentine kisses for her baby sister. Chloe was more interested in her food.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Play Group Field Trip

Today our play group headed over to California Pizza Kitchen for a field trip. The kids got a tour of the restaurant and kitchen, then they got to make their own pizzas. They all had so much fun. We don't see our play group friends as much as we used to since many of them go to school 5 days a week. And most of them will start kindergarten in August. It's hard to believe that all of our kiddos have been friends since before they could even walk! We hope to do some more fun activities together before life gets even busier!
Zoe putting sauce on her pizza dough
Sophie's pizza is ready for the oven
Ready to try her pizza
Yummy! We'll have to come back and use the gift certificates they gave to all of the kids!