Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Artist and director

Yesterday Sophie called me over to show me a picture she had made on the easel. Her pictures no longer resemble Picasso's work! I was so impressed with her drawing that I told her to stand next to it so I could take a picture. The only problem was that she happened to be naked, so I kept making her move so I could capture everything I wanted and nothing that I didn't want! Well, Sophie must have picked up on my directing because today she instructed me to take pictures of her with Takoda "because he's my friend and he's my sweet little kitty pet." She told me just how to take the pictures and even attempted to tell Takoda how to pose!

Sunday Funday

This past Sunday we had a jam-packed day. It started with brunch at the Skyline Country Club, which is where we were married 3 years ago. We were invited to join Matt and family to celebrate Matt's birthday. It was fun telling the girls about our wedding day and showing them where we took pictures there (they love to look through our wedding album). It was also fun for me to think about how much has happened since that day! After brunch, I went to a Mary Kay muffins and makeup party while Andy went back to Grandma Laura's house with the girls to go swimming. Then, while Zoe took her nap, Grandma Laura and I took Sophie to see Josh in a performance of Disney's High School Musical. Sophie did a great job and loved all the singing and dancing, but she was too tired to watch the whole play so we left about halfway through the second half. She slept a little on the way back to Laura's but then woke up once we got there. Needless to say, she was exhausted by dinner time and was asleep at 6:30 for the rest of the night!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Longest Word!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Birthday Video

Here's the birthday video that Uncle Josh put together. Make you watch until the very end, even after the music stops!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


After tonight's bath, Sophie looked more like a mermaid than a little 3-year-old girl thanks to a special towel that her aunt Liz gave her for her birthday. The towel can be used to stay dry or to dress up like a mermaid. Zoe has one too, although she took hers off before I got out the camera. Aunt Liz makes lots of other little girls items, including dresses, pants outfits and hairbows. You can check out all of her items at www.mommysaidsew.etsy.com

Train Play

Today Zoe woke up from nap before Sophie today, and during that time she was having lots of fun playing with the Thomas train set all by herself!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Zoe Out

Zoe has been mostly good about staying in her new bed, but at nap time today she wandered out twice. The second time I told her that if she came out of her room again I would lock the door until nap time was over. I heard her on the monitor playing for awhile and then it got quiet. When I opened her door to get her up from nap, this is what I found. I felt like a pretty bad mom when I saw my baby passed out on the floor right next to her door!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The Princess Bed

Last weekend the girls and I spent the weekend in Phoenix. The purpose of our trip was threefold: find a big girl bed for Zoe, visit with our friends - the Russos, and have an adventure staying at a hotel! The trip was a success. Zoe wanted a pink princess bed, so we bought a bright yellow four poster bed at Ikea. Yellow? Yes, yellow. We couldn't pass on the super clearance price, and I knew we had leftover pink paint at home from when we painted the flowers in Sophie's room. After purchasing the bed, Andy, the girls and I headed over to the Russos for a BBQ and swimming. We had a really great time visiting with our old New York friends. Sophie spent most of the time in the pool, and Zoe spent a lot of time with Grandma Laura and Papa Chuck, who even let Zoe do his makeup!

It took me all week during nap time to get the bed painted, and last night Andy put it all together. It's a good start for a princess bed. I found adorable princess sheets at Target, and we bought pink netting at Ikea that we'll put up. Zoe stayed in her bed all night (with a few visits from mommy and daddy) and in the morning she asked if she was allowed to get out of bed! I'll be keeping my eye out for some more princess accessories (think fuzzy pink pillows and decals) at places like Ross, and hopefully before long, Zoe will be spending her nights sleeping like a princess...alone.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Sophie's Update

Sophie is growing! She is 39 inches tall and weighs 38.5 lbs (90 - 95%). At her check up, she got to do a few new things. First they wanted to check her eyesight, so they showed her the chart with all of the pictures on it. She said she didn't know what they were and wanted to just read the regular chart with the letters. She did perfectly, and the doctor and nurse were very impressed that she knew all the letters. At the end of the appointment, Sophie got to pee in a cup for the first time. She kept saying, "This is silly. We don't pee in cups mommy, we pee in the potty!"

Sophie is a very bright little girl. I know everyone thinks that about their child, but she truly is one smart cookie. She loves to learn and asks lots of thoughtful questions. She is currently learning how to write her letters. She can write her name, but she doesn't usually get the letters all together, they're mostly just scattered across the page! She loves to read and spends lots of time reading by herself. When I read to her before nap and bedtime, she prefers longer stories such as the classic Beatrix Potter stories, and she will even listen to stories with few pictures now. She once insisted that I read a Judy Blume book to her that she had found, but that only lasted for one chapter! Sophie really likes TV, and we try to limit her viewing to one show per day, and many days we don't watch at all. She really loves to watch movies on Saturday nights too. Her favorite movies are Toy Story and any Winnie the Pooh movie.

Sophie is more of a tomboy than a girly girl. She enjoys playing with her dolls and occasionally likes to play dress up, but she really loves to get dirty and play with the boys! Every once in awhile she'll ask for a barrette in her hair, but it only lasts a little while before she gives it to Zoe. Sophie is very creative and loves to make up elaborate stories to act out with Zoe and her toys. She also is very good at making up songs, either to melodies that she already knows, or lately to made up tunes.

When is comes to eating, Sophie takes after her father. When she finds something she likes, she sticks with it and is cautious about trying new foods. Lately she's been willing to try new things as long as we remind her that she can spit it out if she doesn't like it. Her favorite foods are yogurt, pancakes, most fruits, salad and raw veggies, and cheeseburgers. She has a terrible sweet tooth and can be pretty crafty at trying to get candy. A typical trick is, "Mommy, I'm going to eat three more bites of carrot and then I'll get to have a tootsie roll!!" We try to stick to the rule that if there's no more room for healthy food in your tummy, then there's no room for sweets. But it's also fun to take her out for an ice cream cone for no reason other than it's a hot sunny day.

Sophie is a very independent little girl. She did great during her first year at "school", and at times I wished she would be just a little sad to see me go. She had her own little group of friends at school, but I was told that she was really good at inviting other kids to play with them. Sophie is very caring and has a lot of concern for others. She's also very observant and has a memory like a steel trap. When going to visit my mom in Pennsylvania this past Spring, Sophie remembered (from the year before) that my mom's car was red and that there was a basket with kitty toys in it near the bottom of the stairs. She also remembers different cars that Andy drives home and then recognizes those same kind of cars on the roads when we're out driving.

Some of Sophie's strongest traits, such as her intelligence, advanced verbal skills, stubborness and passion for playing, can create a challenging atmosphere. So far 3 has been much more difficult than 2, but hopefully together we'll ride out the storm and be greeted by a rainbow. We hope you continue to check in and see how our oldest girl grows up!

Zoe's Update

The results are in, and as expected...Zoe is big! This is no surprise to those who have seen her next to the 3-year-olds at playgroup - she's the same size as them. She weighs 31 lbs. and is 36 inches tall, which is the 90% - 95%. She is perfectly healthy and right on track developmentally. Above all else, Zoe is a mommy's girl. Somehow the cord never got cut! She is also a very girly girl. She loves to get her hair done, her nails polished, dress up in tutus and high heels...she is almost always singing - while she plays, while riding in the car, at the dinner table, and always as she falls asleep. We recently discovered that she must be able to hear Andy singing to Sophie at night, because Zoe knows songs that we've only ever sung for her big sister! Another thing to know about Zoe is that she is a neat freak! I've never seen a child that was so organized. She is constantly putting things away, closing drawers that are left open, getting out rags and wetting them to clean the tables, the toys, the walls - seriously. She truly loves to clean, and she truly hates to be dirty.

Zoe has a great imagination. She loves to take care of her baby dolls by pretending to change their diapers, feed them, drive them to school etc. She loves to read (Dr. Seuss's ABC book is a favorite) and knows all her letters. She loves to sing her ABCs as fast as she can! I mentioned above that she loves to sing, but the number of songs that she knows is amazing, and it only takes her a couple of times hearing a song before she knows it too. She doesn't like TV very much, and the only show she will actually sit for is Super Why. I should be glad that she's not a TV junkie, but sometimes I would like it if she would sit for a minute so I can cook or do some laundry. Zoe likes to do arts and crafts and has just started to hold her pencil correctly. She's interested in using scissors, but she hasn't quite figured out how.

Zoe is a great eater. She tries new foods, but her favorites are still cheese, yogurt, eggs, and all fruits. She prefers her veggies cooked and will eat most of them, and recently she has been liking all kinds of meats - I discoverd that using my chopper to mince the meat helps a lot. She likes to help in the kitchen, especially the part when she gets to lick the spoon!

The last thing I'll say about Zoe is that she is a true charmer. She can light up an entire room with her smile, and she makes the funniest faces! She loves boys, and they love her. She loves to pretend to be shy, but when she's around people for awhile she turns into a total chatterbox. She loves her big sister and it's extremely cute to listen to their conversations. Zoe is growing into a beautiful little girl, and we look forward to sharing more about her this coming year!