Saturday, July 30, 2011

Art by Zoe

We frequently post pictures of Sophie's artwork, but Zoe has shown that her artistic abilities are impressive too! Here is a recent picture she made for Sophie. At the top, she wrote "For Sophie From Zoe". Okay, so she spelled "from" wrong, but who cares? She did it all by herself and I was totally amazed!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Playing Store

Chloe is really into playing pretend these days. Here she is calling for a price check while playing store. She also loves to take care of her baby dolls, and lately she's been spending time crawling on the floor and pretending to be a dog!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

International Wildlife Museum

Today we visited the International Wildlife Museum with some friends. The museum is filled with animals found around the world. There were a lot of questions from the children about whether the animals were real. They were, they just happened to be dead, and stuffed. There were lots of things for the kids to touch, like animal hides, tusks, antlers, even a stuffed javalina and a giraffe!

Sophie's favorite part was the lions. Here she is sitting on one of the statues outside of the museum. Zoe's favorite part was the butterfly room, and Chloe really loved the giant giraffe that you could walk under. I didn't get any good pictures inside of the museum. My camera abilities aren't good enough to adjust for the weird lighting, but I can promise that fun was had by all, and I really enjoyed finding another air conditioned activity for the kiddos!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pizza Night

Everyone had fun making this semi-homemade pizza. We've been buying fresh pizza dough from our local market, and the girls have lots of fun stretching and rolling the dough, spreading the sauce and sprinkling on the cheese. My favorite part is eating the pizza!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Got Mud?

Looks like Chloe has been practicing for the mud run in September!!