Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sleepy Sophie

When I was creating the zoo post I originally put this video with it by accident. I have since put the correct video on that post. This video of Sophie was taken during lunch (obviously) which happens to be right before her one nap for the day. She was so tired that she kept closing her eyes while she was eating. I thought she was going to fall asleep, but she managed to keep her eyes open long enough to get cleaned up and into bed for a wonderful rest. What I didn't get on the video was her using the fork to eat an entire hot dog and some of the mac and cheese. By the time I got out the camera, she had resorted to using her hands:)

4 Months Old

It's that time again....pooh bear returns to prove that Zoe is getting bigger. Not that it's hard to tell. She's really been filling out the past month, and she's been getting stronger too. She wants to be able to stand by herself so badly, but she's not quite strong enough. She's also doing a better job of lifting her head and shoulders during tummy time, which she doesn't particularly like. But Zoe's favorite trick of the day is blowing raspberries. She usually sends spit flying when she makes them, but it's still pretty cute!

Another trip to the zoo

Last week we made another trip to the zoo with my friend Sharon and her daughter Shea. This was the third time that I have taken Sophie to feed the giraffe, and it was the first time that she didn't drop the cookie at the last second! She was very proud of herself and we talked about it all day. As she gave the cookie to the giraffe, she said "yum yum." It was pretty adorable. When we got home she took out a book that has a picture of a giraffe in it and kept saying "yum yum" to it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You Decide

There has been a lot of debate among family and friends about whether or not Sophie and Zoe look alike. Here are two pictures. In each picture, the girls are wearing the same dress. Sophie is almost 3 months in her picture. Zoe is almost 4 months in her picture. Notice that they are holding their hands the same way. Don't let that sway your vote! Let us know in the comments section what you think!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday Afternoon

Just a clip from our afternoon today:)

Friday, September 14, 2007

A Fun Week

This has been a fun and busy week for the Gieseke girls. At the beginning of the week we said goodbye to Grandpa Dan. He visited for a few days and helped us with some projects around the house. Yesterday we celebrated Rosh Hashana. The girls got dressed in matching outfits, and we headed over to the tot service at Grandma Laura's congregation. Both girls were very well behaved during the service. After her nap, Sophie spent some time playing with her blocks. She was able to stack a tower of three! That was the first time she did it. Stacking blocks is a developmental milestone. I'm not really sure why, but it's nice to have her achieve a new milestone since the big ones at her age are walking (and running and jumping) and talking. We ended our week by going to the zoo with my friend Kelley and her son Eric. Sophie walked most of the time. This was Zoe's second trip to the zoo. I think she mostly just enjoyed being outdoors. Sophie's favorite animals this time were the sea otters and the polar bear. I think she just wanted to join them in the water! So it's been a fun week, but the weekend will be even better because Andy and I get to go on a date tomorrow night, and Sophie is spending the night at Grandma Laura's house!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Video Experiment of Zoe cooing

New Outfit

Most of what Zoe wears are hand-me-downs from Sophie. Today she got to wear a new outfit that was given to her by our friends Arash and Roya. I thought she looked so cute in it that I took a picture.