Tuesday, September 28, 2010

7 Months Old

Meet Chloe, the eating and sleeping machine. It seems like that's all she does these days! In fact, her eating has thrown me for such a loop that I called the doctor about it (a big no-no for a third time mom!). Turns out she's just fine. I was concerned that she was weaning herself off her bottle since she's only been taking 12 oz of formula a day (the recommended amount is 24 - 32 ounces a day) and eating 8 ounces of solids three times a day. She's just ahead of the curve in the food department I guess. She's just started to get the hang of her sippy cup and can do it herself some of the time, so I've been giving her formula that way too now. Her latest foods that she's tried are kiwis and cauliflower - she loved both. She's taking 2 naps a day now, one from 9-11 and an afternoon nap from 1-4. She sleeps from 7:30 pm - about 7am. She definitely likes her sleep!

Some other things to note: she knows her name, she can't crawl yet but she can go round and round in circles on her belly, she loves to walk while holding hands, but she walks sideways (I have a vivid memory of Lauren doing this!), her favorite things in the world are her pacifier, the cats, and her big sisters. She also really enjoys stroller rides, has a great smile and laugh, and is the easiest and happiest baby I've ever known. I guess I paid my dues with Sophie and Zoe so the man upstairs gave me a break!

God's Grace Homeschool

For those of you that are interested, check out our homeschool blog. I'd love to hear your comments, questions and concerns (yes, I am aware that there are concerns - out of love of course!), and if you like what you see, sign up as a follower and pass it on to anyone that might find it helpful!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Little Pishers

The Little Pishers is a program at our temple for preschool children. It's kind of like a preschool Sunday school that meets twice a month. Today we went to celebrate Sukkot. It was supposed to be a potluck under the Sukkah, but it was too windy so we just ate in the classroom. The girls got to make birdfeeders (pretzels "painted" with peanut butter and coated with bird seed), shake the lulav and smell the etrog, play games and listen to stories. It was lots of fun, although it was hard for me to keep track of all three girls. Fortunately the other moms were quick to lend a hand, but I think maybe next time I'll either bring Andy or Grandma Laura, or else leave Chloe at home.

Charlotte's Web

We had a great time at Pima Community College's production of Charlotte's Web. The girls' friend Shea and her parents and Grandma Laura came too. We all thought the play was done very well. Sophie and Zoe's favorite was Charlotte, but Laura and I agreed that the goose and the gander were the best! Even Chloe watched intently and got excited during the scene where the Zuckermans chased Wilbur back to the barn. We'll definitely be keeping our eye out for more kid friendly, affordable live productions in Tucson!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Busy Busy

It has been a very busy week for us, and our weekend is looking like it's going to be full also. It's great to have so many activities and friends and family to see. Our weeks are getting to be pretty booked. Mondays we do school in the morning and then the rest of our day is free for a playdate or just to hang out at home. Tuesdays we do school in the morning and then the big girls go to their TOTS program after lunch. Wednesdays we have dance and gymnastics in the morning, TOTS after lunch and then Andy comes home early so I can take the big girls to family yoga. Thursdays we have playgroup, and we've just started with a regular sitter from 3:30 - 8:30 so I can do some errands and Andy and I can have a date night. Fridays we do school in the morning and then we're free the rest of the day. This week was extra busy because on Wednesday we went up to Casa Grande (about an hour north of us) to see where Grammy and Gump's new house is going to be, and today we had a playdate after school followed by a trip to the grocery. Tomorrow we are making up a dance/gymnastic class and then meeting Grandma Laura for lunch. After lunch we're all heading to the community college to see Charlotte's Web. Then on Sunday the girls have Little Pishers at the Temple from 9:30 - 11:30 and Sophie has her piano lesson in the afternoon. Sundays are also Daddy day, since the girls are usually just getting into bed when Andy gets home. It's a full life for sure - full of fun and joy!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Zucchini Bread

Zoe waiting patiently for her turn with the mixer. The zucchini bread came out delicious too. I wonder if that counts as a vegetable....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thanks Aunt Liz!

The girls wore their new skirts that Aunt Liz made for them to Yom Kippur services this morning. Aren't they cute?

Beets are Yummy!

Chloe likes her latest foods that we've tried: beets and plums. She still won't eat bananas for some reason. Oh well, she's got plenty of other fruits and veggies to choose from!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good Morning!

The girls cuddled up for a sisterly hug this morning before getting changed out of their jammies. A nice way to start the morning!

Here's Chloe...

...in all her glory. Our baby girl had a little bit of naked time on her blanket today, and she was just so cute and cheery that I couldn't help but grab the camera. Check out her baby blues and baby rolls!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

L'shana Tovah!

In honor of the New Year, I gave all of our children baths tonight. Actually, the big girls take showers now, so I can't really get pictures of them anymore, but Chloe really enjoys sitting tall in her bathtub. Bathtime happens less frequently with three children, but the result of cleaning such grubby children is more satisfying!